Saturday, June 02, 2007


The selfdestruct sequence for this blog has been activated.

I decided to delete this blog for a single reason: I don't like

I noticed that I haven't been blogging for a long time but not because I had nothing to say. Its because I dont like using internet explorer. doesnt cooperate with my opera browser and I am lacking comfort here. Writing a blog should be an easy thing to do. Open the browser, log in (by operas brilliant wand), write the post, publish. The end. And not frantically looking for the right page to log in and the right old nick or new email ... Because this is the main problem.. I cant log in. I lost many accounts, have no idea how to login them, by which email, by which username.. Ever since google decided to merge, in a way that is still beyond my comprehension, google accounts with blogger accounts, I lost them. This account is the only survivor of this electronic catastrophe.

So long . We had our nice times along with the bad ones. I ll try to re-establish contact with all the nice people I met here from my new place at ;)

This blog will be beamed out in 7 days. Energize!