Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Engelados awoke

I am thinking to turn this blog into a Corfu-Earthquake one... Half an hour ago, at about 12.10 midday, we had another earthquake. It must have been about 3.5 Richter I believe. It shook for about 10 seconds.

PS: And for those unfamiliar with the greek mythology, the Engelados was the leader of giants and responsible for the earthquakes in ancient Greece. He was the son of Tartaros and of Earth, killed by Athena who threw Sicily over him and covered him. He now suffers in his grave and moves and causes all these earthquakes and volcano erruptions.


EDIT: If it was this Earthquake, which was 3.9 Richter then I was pretty close!


admin said...

I greately enjoyed your posting undersiege. I think its superb. No, I am not trying to become omniscient, there is just a natural curiosity in me.

I think it would suffice it to know one thing, the key to all others, but I gave up searching for that key long ago. I now only want to let things enjoy me, and I enjoy life that way much more.

Are you suggesting that God, is another omniscient being that according to his fancy has created this world?

What you are telling me to do, I might even be doing in one way or another while daydreaming or playing computer games. And I have a very long posting to make about a certain computer (internet) game that has monopolized my entire being.

There is really much in your posting to discuss! I hope all is well at your end!

admin said...

Happy Birthday! :)

Another virgo, huh?

I am sure that it is true that "Anyone can write/speak anything, impress others, encourage others to do/think things that the writer does not believe .."

But I would modify this a bit and would say that anyone can encourage others to do something one might not have mastered.

And I am thinking of it in the example of ballet. There are many teachers who have not been great dancers, and great dancers who are lousy teachers. So a certain talent is necessary in guiding others, which might not have to do with the subject of guidance itself.

And then... there also more parameters but today is your birthday and I will not try to confuse you. LOL

Indeterminacy said...

It's a fascinating discussion, and my birthday has also just gone by. I think the best writing is not one that convinces of some viewpoint, but in which it is impossible to divine the author's own viewpoint. (I think a lot of the right wing political writing is very hypocritical - and I cannot believe the people writing this stuff actually believe it. They're writing propaganda, and they know it. But it's sufficient to convince simple people, or help them hold up their beliefs.

As for all the Earthquakes, perhaps the Blog Gods are jealous of losing you to a summer romance? ;-)

admin said...

:) I have two virgo friends? How did that happen? :-o Belated happy birthday Indie!

The strangest thing happens sometimes. I remember things when I am in the middle of something else. Today as I was putting some order in my room I remembered your posting and started to analyze it. It must have been the meditative state of tidying up that put me into such a contemplation. Well, in the end of a long self-discussion I decided that what you describe about the right wing ideas occurs also in many religious movements. They are absolutely aware of the mental ways and tricks that can control masses and use them for their own purposes. It is all about fanatism. It must be no coincidence that almost all extreme right wing parties have had a religious or occult foundation. Even none extreme right wing parties do seek support from the church.

Although Immanuel Kant was shouting out about enlightment and freedom of thought since the 19th century, superstition and fear still rules certain groups of people. Its really amazing if one spends some time to think over it. It strikes me as if mankind has everything it needs and makes no use of it, in terms of knowledge.

Indeterminacy said...

We have to be vigilant and aggressive in attacking fanticism. One of my stories handled this, the one with the "Christians" disguised as "Moslems", and this Stephen Colbert video I came across is brilliant.

admin said...


Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! Indie! this is one of the funniest videos I have watched lately. :)) Not only funny but extremely meaningfull. I love it.


Hey! What happened? All my friends are Virgos I think! :) So when is your birthday? Or was it already?

Sorry everyone, I ve been kinda slow in writing and replying lately. There is a reason to that, I am addicted to an RPG game. And I have just a few weeks holidays before the University starts. Only in Maths I get no holidays.... grrrr.

Indeterminacy said...

I miss your blogging, but I'll wait as long as I have to for your next post.