Sunday, November 27, 2005

Hunting: A Perversion

Hunting is something I cannot tolerate with unless of course the object of hunting are spammers :D. But seriously, even if hunting is legal, hunters in my area break all kinds of laws and have no respect for anything, be that other people, rare animals, nature or the law.

It is forbidden to hunt near houses and yet today about 100 meters away from my house I saw two ruthless hunters who started shooting again and again. This is not the first time something like this happens but they ve never been that close before. Furious I opened my window and shouted out loud at them that here are homes and its not allowed to hunt here, they should go away. But they kept coming towards my house! So I threatend to call the police. At that moment I heard whistles, this is a sign of the forest police. This finally made them run away.

I managed to make a picture of them with my digital camera, but it was as they were leaving, from the back. Next time they come here, I will make so great pictures with my super duper digital camera that can zoom so much, that the faces are clearly visible.

Beware hunters, for I am not afraid of you.

Needless to mention that I consider hunting as a sport an immoral activity. Killing for fun is actually perverse.

Another thing is that the area I live in is on the countryside in the middle of a meadow and about 100 meters from the sea. Very close is a lake that is a protected area due to the rare kind of birds it attracts. The past days arrived some rare and beautiful birds from some other country and the hunters were definetely after them. In such cases one wonders: where is the state? Why doesnt anyone care for the protection of these species and if we, the inhabitants, dont do something about it, none will.


Miles to go said...

I recently read Moshe Dayan's book. As you may know, he is the Israeli General and Statesman during the time of Yom Kipper and the 6 Day war. He felt one impetus for conflict among the many in the Middle East is the creation of farms-the Kibbutzes and Moshavims in a land of Nomads. Similarly America's Manifest Destiny cut railroads and farms through lands where at one time the Native Americans reverently lived off the land. Both of these examples speak to a way of life and the conflict of different ideologies. This time the laws appears to benefit the greater good and along with your pictures, it portends incarceration for the ruthless sport hunters you speak about. I suspect the hunters there are in the minority. With your whistle and camera, the most efficient ideology for survival appears to be winning.

Kind regards

Corsarius said...

I heartily agree with you. I've long held an utmost scorn for hunters. Killing other living beings for survival (i.e. the unlikely yet possible event when you have to shoot a tiger rampaging at you) is acceptable, but not for leisure and fun! it is sick, very, very sick.

Inform us when you get those nice pics of the hunters. In the meantime, take care of yourself, ok? :)

admin said...

@miles to go:

I understand the comparison that Moshe Daya makes. I must confess I am no so much informed about these things. My interest in the world-news arose very late, at about 23 years of age. I feel that I have some reading to do and catch up with all the things that seemed to me not of interest in my younger years. History was my least favourite subject at school, I couldnt stand the news on tv. Now I realise that there is some importance in knowing what happens in the world, in the past or present. Anyway, I could talk much on this and I am already having troubles stopping :)).

admin said...

Nice to know that you feel this way. I could post that picture I got... should I?? Or do you think they use the internet :)).

Corsarius said...

unfortunately, we can never tell :( you can't risk the one-in-a-million chance that those nuts may chance upon your blog and ask for retribution! :P

but then maybe a pic which doesn't show their faces clearly enough will do...won't step over their rights, i guess (though they've been stepping on animal rights for some time, grr).