Sunday, January 15, 2006

Blog is in away status

I will have to reduce my blogging and online activities dramatically, the tendons in my hands are on strike and refuse to type anything more. No blogging, no chatting, no crazy forum writing and googling, no wikipedia?... not sure I can handle the last one :P.

I will use this time to prepare myself for the simultane-chess game with the greek grand master and champion that will visit our club in two weeks. I dont expect to win but that should be a distraction enough!

See you in a couple of weeks!



Indeterminacy said...

Sorry to hear about your hands - and I will miss you these next weeks. I had an operation for carpal tunnel syndrome because of too intensive computer use. I have some chess photos - maybe it's time for a chess story...

admin said...

Carpal tunnel syndrome? :( Oh no, this must be the computer illness of our era. I hope its ok now. I ll be looking forward to a chess story! Reading is not a problem, even a small story I could handle :D.

Indeterminacy said...

I actually thought of posting a chess picture this past weekend but chose the eye instead.

admin said...

The eye was also good!

ASAM said...

good luck with chess

Indeterminacy said...

Just wondering, do you have one of those ergonomic keyboards ("natural keyboard")? I've found them easier and more pleasant to use. It only took me a minute to get used to the layout.

admin said...

@Ministrel: Thank you! Correct angle? I type sometimes in the weirdest positions. :)) Maybe I should clean up my desk for a change..

@Ams: Thank you for your good luck wish. I can use a lot of luck in that game.

@Indie: I think my keybord is very very bad, I feel no resistance when I strike the keys and half of the letters have been erased. In fact I am getting a new one. I will definetely look for the one you suggested. You mean one like this? CLICK ME

Indeterminacy said...

Yes, that's something like what I use, but you don't have to get one from Microsoft. Also, I don't know if there are any other designs that might be better.

admin said...

Cool, I ll just have a look at what exists here. :)