Friday, March 10, 2006

Notpron - The Hardest Riddle on Internet

Notpron is an interesting online game that calls itself the "Hardest Riddle available on Internet". It has been developed by a german guy (DavidM) with some help of his friends and consists of a great number of riddles. The solutions to the riddles, guide one through the site and the different levels.

This game requires some computer and internet knowledge and a lot of intuition. I am currently on level 11 and I can say that it is not your mental abilities to combine information and to process it that will make you solve the riddles. It is your instict that will tell you towards which direction should you channel your thoughts. One receives a number of hints from each page and I initially thought that each one of them plays an equal and important role in solving the riddles. Wrong! Sometimes you need to dwell and deepen only in one hint when all others are only there to mislead you. Unfair!?

It has taken me many hours to solve each of the harder riddles (they get harder after level 4), I would say a riddle takes approximately 4 hours of thinking and staring at the screen, maybe trying out some random stuff. Most of the times I am able to solve it on the next day (after a reboot the mind seems to be able to think in a more multidimension way).

I would recommend this game to people who have a loooooooooooooot of spare time. It has conquered much of my free time, something I am not grateful about *LOL*. Another thing is that it requires extremely much patience and coolness. If you are in hurry you cant solve this, and unless you are a genious or gifted with a sixth sense you need A LOT OF TIME to solve these. Most of the times I get really annoyed that I cant solve the riddles and give up. I am starting to think that level 11 has touched my limits.

Here it is, if you dare:

Play Notpron

PS: When I started this game I decided not to google for the solutions (cheating is not fun). Some levels require googling but it is done in a safe way by placing -notpron after the search terms. The levels that dont have a google bar do not need googling. However, if things get really hard, the author of the site gives some hints until level 9 and then there is also the forum that can be of help with hints (no spoilers).


Indeterminacy said...

You really know how to seduce someone. I absolutely want to play this game now!

Indeterminacy said...

I've started and am now in level six, with a pretty good idea of how to get through it. But I think this game would be really difficult (even this far) for people with only casual experience/understanding of computers.

Or maybe that's the idea. Once you get through these levels, you've learned enough to anything you want on a pc/internet/etc.

admin said...

:) I wonder how long your fascination will last, Indie. Mine has already worn out.

Hi minstrel!do give it a go, but indeterminacy has made two good points. One needs to know some stuff about computers to play it. Or maybe you can learn. But I think you know some.

Unknown said...

I have tried this riddle and made it to level 24 within one hour. If you know anything about computers, that really helps. I will give you people a HINT for level 4. Look in the dark, you will find something slightly odd. Ever hear of Morse Code? Learn to decipher, and you will get your answer.