Monday, March 27, 2006

To Generalize..

I just read this quote that thrilled me. For reasons I really do not feel the need to analyze.

"To generalize is to be an idiot. To particularize is the alone distinction of merit. General knowledge are those knowledge that idiots possess."
-- William Blake

It reminds me one of those discussions that a specific kind of men (sorry for ther rest of you guys) lead stating the great truths of the universe about mostly the sexual habits of the species of men. Limiting people according to any of their characteristics is a generalization to me, and maybe even paves the way for racism. Its like blaming a whole mass of people for the weakness of one (and yes this was refering to being unfaithful).


Indeterminacy said...

What you say is true. However, all science, also psychology tries to find generalizable principles which are then reduced further to classify/clarify the exceptions.

In social situations generalizations are the root of all evil.

admin said...

@Indie: I actually thought of this exactly after posting this quote about generalizations. I do not know yet why the generalizations of science are much more reliable that the ones people make out of their minds. Maybe because they are based on solid arguments and are logical conclusions.

@Poirot: Errr I do not like French people on my blog and I really dont think you have the right to interrogate me in my own blog!