Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Full Moon Effects

Statistically it is proved that more crimes occur during the nights that have a full moon. I will never forget an incident, where I was in a traditional german open air party and I saw someone hit a guy on the face with a bottle just two meters away from me. Of course I cannot prove that this is related to the fact that it occured during a full moon, but there is also another thing in life called instict, in which I deeply believe. So I have this suspicion that the full moon has a peculiar emotional effect on people's minds. This effect does not necessarily have to express itself in a violent way, it can be any extreme emotion that can twist your reason. Tradition is not always the result of superstition. Sometimes one can discover interesting stuff in it. Like in the word lunatic, he who turned mad from the moon.

Luckily the full moon is over and I have escaped its deadly effects safely this time!!! :))


admin said...

Μικρό το κακό! Meaning no big harm done from that.

Indeterminacy said...

What a wonderful explanation of full moon and instinct. I believe you have something there.