Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Why I hate Politics


- it has lost its original meaning and essence

- it is abused by individuals to promote their own selfish goals

- it does not promote the common good

- it is the embodiment of greed, meanness and inhumanity

- it is against any universal ideal

- it turns people against each other

- it is insincere

I wonder when people will learn the worth of selflessness and generosity. The funny thing is that life proves, it is much more easier to develope and fulfill one's own interests and goals, through avoiding hurting the interests of others, if not offering selfless help.

"Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds."

Henry Brooks Adams

"There are no true friends in politics."
Alan Clark

"It is more than a crime; it is a political fault."
Joseph Fouche


Indeterminacy said...

I always ignored politics, and so did most of my friends, but look where it got us (i.e. America). Now it's almost too late to care.

admin said...

"One cuckoo does not bring the spring."

greek saying

I feel too weak to do something against all of them. And I dont think it will have any effect apart from ruining my personal peace. I do vote and have an opinion but to actively involve myself?